Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Random Post

Ok so this is my first official post in a while. Thanks to Karl for launching a blog in order to kick me into gear.

Ok first the music thing: I am listening to moby recently. I dont know why but everything he does interests me on some level. His music choices are so tasteful especially his simplistic bass lines. Also as I watch American idol, I have been really getting into the Beatles recently. I am infected by dance punk. I dont even know what dance punk is but whatever bands that my friend told me to get have been amazing.

I recommend
1. VHS or BETA - simply amazing
2. Moving Units - very very good

Secondly: Everyone of the 2 people who read this site need to go to
This is written by my friend Karl. He has more gear than you can shake a stick at and knows more about that stuff than.... some really smart person. Great website, great reviews. If anyone wants to know why I don't do that kind of stuff for bass, its because I have no money. anyway great site.

On that note everyone please visit the people on the links at the left. They are all great websites with tones of information that I know very little about.

Also I wanted to give everyone an update about the vision of this website. In this next year I want this site to be one of the best sources for music reviews, insights about bass playing, and interviews about worship styles out on the web. I may be slow to upload all of this awesome content but by the end of the year I hope it will be up and running.

1 comment:

Karl said...

Brother, that's awesome. I've been listening to Moby the last couple weeks, too! Good times.

Here it goes