Wednesday, February 25, 2009

complexity or how I came to love moby

Well after I had some extra thoughts that just would not fit in to that last post so I thought I would make a new one.

Last night I talked about simplicity and how we should try to convey the meaning of a song with as little meaningless notes as possible. Now I know that you guys can tell from the music I listen to that there are a lot of background sounds and ambient stuff (thus the name of the blog). This is because I enjoy a hugeness in music. This is why I like classical music and ambient stuff like moby. My friend turned my on to moby with the song "God moving over the face of the waters"

With this song it starts out simple with just a quick piano motif which then quickly is layered with other piano and synth sounds to create a complex wave of sound.

This is not simple. Yet it conveys the message to the listener with all of the clarity that I talked about in my last post. The hugeness of the sound is the message. The theophany is the message. Its the idea that there is something bigger than us.

Yet even in this hugeness of sound, the ideas of my last post can be seen. There are a variety of small piano and synth motifs working together to achieve this sound and Moby adds and subtracts them when the idea of the song changes.

Well that's it for now. I am off to listen to some more moby.

1 comment:

Karl said...

Awesome stuff. That Moby song kills me every, I can't even really call it a song. It's a 'piece.' Or maybe an 'event'. Ya. That one.

Here it goes