Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Well, maybe a new post finally?

Heh. its been a like a year since my last real post. All I can say is I am sorry about that piece of garbage. I truly missed the idea behind worship music. You see there is a tendency with christians to take stuff to the extreme (I am mostly sure karl has blogged about this before) and with worship there are a lot of extremes to fit in with. You can have the all choral extreme, the melt your face off with crazy metal riffs extreme, the all acoustic extreme, the "let the spirit move you" the production oriented extreme and even more. the problem with these extremes is that they end up defining our musical experience instead of worship defining our musical experience. In the previous post as with most of the posts i have made on this sight I lost sight of worshiping God in exchage for "I couldnt feel my bass".

Well Im telling you 3 readers that mentality is garbage. Just worship God and adapt to your surroundings. If I have a click track, awesome, if not, awesome. I just want to make music for God and help create an environment where people can worship through music. Do I think that having a click track creates a better musical environment, sure. But am I gonna let that get in the way of playing music for God, absolutely not anymore.

So please if you read this site take everything I said before with a grain of salt.

1 comment:

Karl said...

Wow. Awesome post, my brother.

That was seriously great.

Here it goes